Friday, September 17, 2010

Quick Update!

Well it has been over a year since I have last updated our blog. I guess it is about time. Well lots has happened and I don't know where to start. I will just start with posting about our new house. Ben and I bought a house in the middle of May and we are loving it. Here are a few picture for you to enjoy.

(No that is not our car nor trailer but it is the picture I took right before we bought the house)

(The view from the front door)

(The kitchen and family room)

(The kitchen)

(The basement, pretty empty right now)

(Our bedroom, again pretty empty)

That is the quick tour of our home. We love the neighborhood and could not have asked for a better place for us to be. The backyard is in the process of being finished. We just laid sod yesterday. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

In other news my little brother Todd just left on his mission to Spokane, Washington. He leaves from the MTC on Monday for Spokane. He is going to be a great missionary. We miss him lots! Here are a few pictures right before he left.

Over labor-day weekend Geoff and Emily blessed baby, Kate. It was great to be a part of such a special blessing. We didn't get too many pictures of the occasion but here is one of the Godfrey clan.

We miss Geoff and Emily and their family but it was fun to spend a couple of weeks with them. My sister Trisha also had her baby in the middle of August. We have not been able to meet baby Ryan yet but we look forward to Christmas when we will be able to give him lots of hugs and kisses. Here is a picture of the cute little guy.

We love being an Aunt and Uncle. It is the best.

Lastly I have just started my student teaching in second grade and I love it. It is funny how nervous I was for the whole experience but now that I know the students I feel totally in my element. I know I am going to love teaching. It is going to be a lot of work this year but I also know that there is nothing else I would rather be doing. As for Ben, he has been traveling to the hip hop happening spot of Idaho, Falls. He is not so much loving that experience and looks forward to the end of October when he can finally stay at home. There is the quick update. I promise I will not go a year before I update again.